From NICU Experience to a Children's Book

From NICU Experience to a Children's Book

Sometimes our paths don't go the way we expected, but that does not stop God from using them. It was through my child's experience in the NICU that I learned more about trusting in God and looking to Him for strength and hope.

There are times when we get to the end of our abilities, and we are left with NO OTHER choice but to trust in the Lord. That was me after a C-section. I could NOT get my baby's breathing right, but I could pray to Someone who could. The turnaround was not immediate, but each day we saw progress and more hope. And the peace that I had in praying to God and trusting that He was fully able to regulate my son's breathing helped me each day even as I had my own journey to recovery. 

My experience inspired one of my favorite pages from Mama's Heart Full of Prayers. And I wrote this book to both bring inspiration to other mothers and to encourage children - mine included - to pray no matter what situation they face. Share inspiration, hope, and love with our first board book, Mama's Heart Full of Prayers.

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